The Diary of a Wimpy Recruit

Excerpt: …I alighted there were tears of eagerness in my eyes. “Yes,” I replied breathlessly, “oh, sir, yes.” “Then pick up that,” he cried dramatically, pointing to a cigar butt on the parade ground. I didn’t wait for the laughter. I didn’t have to. It was forthcoming immediately. Huge peals of it. Sailors are a very low tribe of vertebrate. They seem to hang around most of the time waiting for something to laugh at **

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Excerpt: …I alighted there were tears of eagerness in my eyes. “Yes,” I replied breathlessly, “oh, sir, yes.” “Then pick up that,” he cried dramatically, pointing to a cigar butt on the parade ground. I didn’t wait for the laughter. I didn’t have to. It was forthcoming immediately. Huge peals of it. Sailors are a very low tribe of vertebrate. They seem to hang around most of the time waiting for something to laugh at **

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