Current Science, published every fortnight by the Association, in collaboration with the Indian Academy of Sciences, is the leading interdisciplinary science journal from India. It was started in 1932 by the then stalwarts of Indian science such as CV Raman, Birbal Sahni, Meghnad Saha, Martin Foster and S.S. Bhatnagar. In 2011, the journal completed one hundred volumes. The journal is intended as a medium for communication and discussion of important issues that concern science and scientific activities. Besides full length research articles and shorter research communications, the journal publishes review articles, scientific correspondence and commentaries, news and views, comments on recently published research papers, opinions on scientific activity, articles on universities, Indian laboratories and institutions, interviews with scientists, personal information, book reviews, etc. It is also a forum to discuss issues and problems faced by science and scientists and an effective medium of interaction among scientists in the country and abroad. Current Science is read by a large community of scientists and the circulation has been continuously going up.
FoodSci released from the portals of Vellalar College for Women provide space for scholars, researchers, academicians and litterateurs to share, interact and disseminate diverse perspectives of domain knowledge and niche-area specializations by way of promoting multi-disciplinary research culture and to contemplate new forays into hitherto uncharted areas of research dimensions.
HuSS is a Refereed Journal and also reviewed by the Editorial Board. The articles are strictly scanned for plagiarism check before final acceptance. HuSS publishes original papers, reviewed articles, empirical research, case studies, conceptual frame work and analytical models in the disciplines of English Language and Literature History including Archaeology, Anthropology and Political Science Commerce Business Management Economics.
The International journal of Medical and Dental Sciences (IJMDS) is a biannual, peer reviewed journal. It publishes quality medical & dental research in the form of original research articles, review articles, short communications, case reports and letters to editor. This journal has been commenced with intent to advance and illuminate various specialties of medical & dental sciences.
The Journal of Biological Control published Quarterly, is an exclusive journal in India devoted to the science of Biological control. The journal publishes original research articles on all aspects relating to biological control of pests (insect pests, mites, pathogens, vertebrates and weeds) of crop plants and animal diseases. The editorial board comprises of a Chief Editor, two Associate editors and skilled team of 14 editorial board members, who are eminent scientists and scholars of repute. Annually around 100-125 articles are published. The articles are screened by referees (both national and international) who are of repute in their own field. The journal has been published without interruption for the past 22 years and is up to date with the latest issue being the September 2010( Volume 24, issue 3). The journal has been abstracted in Review of Agricultural Entomology, Biocontrol News and Information, CABPest CD. Under MOU with CABI Biosciences the journal is published online through the CABI portal. The society receives matching grant from ICAR towards the cost of publication for the Journal of Biological Control.
Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health is being published quarterly in the months of March, June, September and December every year. The journal is abstracted in Paryavaran abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, Health and Safety Science abstracts, Life Science/Environmental databases, Excerpta Medica database and Elsevier BIOBASE (Current Awareness in Biological Sciences).
The journal primarily aims to publish research work in the area of phytopharmacology and clinical reports of herbal drugs. The journal also accepts articles on phytochemistry, quality control and agronomy of medicinal plants. Special emphasis is given to research work related to bioactivity-directed fractionation of plant extracts leading to novel bioactive molecules. The Journal is Indexed in Scopus with H-Index 13, IndMed and Included in Web of Science BIOSIS Previews, EMBASE, The Journal is Indexed in U. S. National Library of Medicine, UGC Mandate, ICI and Annexure-II-Anna University.
Management Review was started in the year 2007 and is published twice a year, in July and December. Both print and on-line versions are brought out. The journal invites articles with a focus on different management issues pertinent to the Indian economy and corporate sector. Articles dealing with international issues are also welcome. The primary focus of this journal, as the title suggests would be on a variety of issues in the area of management. Justice K S Hegde Institute of Management attaches a lot of importance to issues like ethics, values and governance. Consequently we will encourage papers in these areas, with a concurrent focus on managerial issues. Service quality is another aspect of management that is of considerable interest to us. The Journal also publishes one or more book reviews and a case study in every issue.
The Records of the Zoological Survey of India provides media opportunity for zoological communications dealing with taxonomy, faunistics, biology, ecology and population of any taxon, and acts as a journal of Indian Zoology. This is a quarterly publication with four parts annually. It was started in the year 1907 from the Zoological Section of Indian Museum as Records of the Indian Museum in order to publish result of faunistic surveys conducted by the scientists. The journal was renamed as Records of the Zoological Survey of India, Volume 61(Part1 & 2) onwards in the year 1968. 116 volumes of the journal have been published so far. The volume 117 of Records of the Zoological Survey of India is the first on-line publication of the Zoological Survey of India.
The journal ScieXplore released from the portals of Vellalar College for Women providesspace for scholars, researchers and academicians to share, interact and disseminate diverse perspectives of domain knowledge and niche-area specializations by way of promoting multi-disciplinary research culture in Science and to contemplate new forays into hitherto uncharted areas of research dimensions. The focus of the journal is to open the flood gates of research possibilities to raise new issues and to voice new ways of thinking with a strong edge towards ground-breaking explorations thereby changing and challenging the frontiers of knowledge. ScieXplore is a Refereed Journal and also reviewed by the Editorial Board. The articles are strictly scanned for plagiarism check before final acceptance. ScieXplore entreats research articles, notes, reviews and short communications in the disciplines of Mathematical Science, Physical Science, Life Science, Computer Science and Information Technology, Home Science, Library and Information Science.